Fyffe - definition. What is Fyffe
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  • 20px
  • Plaats met 786 inwoners (2000).
Fyffe (Alabama)
Fyffe is een plaats (town) in de Amerikaanse staat Alabama, en valt bestuurlijk gezien onder DeKalb County.
Lady G         
Janice Fyffe
| jaren-actief = 1995 - heden
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. "The initial shock was just everyone screaming because they thought the train was going to go over," Sue Fyffe, who survived the crash without injury, told Sky News.
2. Witnesses said the train‘s locomotive and the first two of the train‘s three carriages continued on about 500 feet after the impact. It just seemed like the whole train was going to derail,‘‘ said passenger Sue Fyffe.
3. This unsavoury incident and its devastating consequences has inspired theatre critic Nicholas de Jongh to write a heartfelt new play, Plague Over England – the phrase coined by the then–Home Secretary David Maxwell Fyffe, who vowed to wipe out homosexuality before it destroyed the country.
4. Throughout the Thirties she also appeared in a string of low–budget British film comedies and thrillers including This is the Life (1'33) with Binnie Hale and Gordon Harker; Jack of All Trades (1'36) with Jack Hulbert and Robertson Hare; and The Mind of Mr Reeder (1'3') with Will Fyffe.
5. The briefing notes, with the author‘s name, were apparently intended for Gregory Fyffe, executive director of the 60–strong assessment unit, and were prepared after Canadian NATO troops based in Kandahar in the volatile southern region had suffered several bloody months of combat.